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Test Kennung:
Kategorie:Gain a shell remotely
Titel:SSH 3 AllowedAuthentication

You are running a version of SSH which is older than 3.1.2
and newer or equal to 3.0.0.

There is a vulnerability in this release that may, under
some circumstances, allow users to authenticate using a
password whereas it is not explicitly listed as a valid
authentication mechanism.

An attacker may use this flaw to attempt to brute force
a password using a dictionary attack (if the passwords
used are weak).

Solution :
Upgrade to version 3.1.2 of SSH which solves this problem.

Risk factor : Low

Querverweis: BugTraq ID: 4810
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2002-1646
Bugtraq: 20020523 [Fwd: Updated version of SSH Secure Shell available] (Google Search)
CERT/CC vulnerability note: VU#341187
Computer Incident Advisory Center Bulletin: M-081
XForce ISS Database: ssh-allowedauthentications-bypass-auth(9163)
CopyrightThis script is Copyright (C) 2002 Renaud Deraison

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