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Web Bug Traffic Count Report
September 1st, 2002

Understanding The Report
The table in this report illustrates the top 100 web sites that are benefiting from web bugs. This is based on a sample of 7018975 pages retrieved from 851300 different sites.

The reader should note the following

  • Domain: We track the domain doing the bugging, not the site. In this way, if sites A and sites B had, as an example, images served from banner ad servers called and, the domain will be credited with having bugged two different sites.

  • Relative Traffic Weight: This is a cumulative sum of the weight of each bugged site. The weight of a bugged site originates from our referral report, and is a measure of how authorative a site is, based on the number of other sites that link to it. The idea is that the more authorative a site is, the more traffic it has. By calculating the cumulative sum of weights, we come much closer to ranking "buggers" by the amount of traffic they have bugged. This should have the effect of elevating the rank of buggers that focus on high traffic sites.

  • Type of Bugs: In this column, we list all the different tag types that were found referencing the specified domain. The percentage represents the number of bugged sites that use the specified tag. Since a single site may use multiple tags, these percentages can and often do exceed 100%.

DomainRelative Traffic WeightTypes of Bugs
best-reviewed-sites.org221111 frame[100.0%]
nedstatbasic.net209042 img[72.3%], script[34.7%]
buy-from-us.org181046 frame[100.0%]
doubleclick.net41458 iframe[62.3%], script[37.3%], img[82.3%], layer[7.8%]
gagadomain.com40127 frame[17.7%], img[82.3%]
vividvip.com35599 img[99.6%], frame[1.6%]
extreme-dm.com33429 img[100.0%]
hitbox.com32608 img[90.6%], script[27.8%], iframe[3.5%], input[0.2%]
pinkyahoo.com29735 img[100.0%]
namimedia.com27266 img[100.0%]
411web.com27082 img[100.0%], input[1.2%], frame[0.6%]
akamai.net26535 embed[1.0%], img[94.6%], script[54.0%], input[6.9%]
bfast.com25802 img[97.3%], iframe[3.7%], script[8.5%], frame[1.2%], input[0.2%]
qksrv.net21249 img[99.5%], frame[0.9%]
best-reviewed-sites.com18999 frame[100.0%] img[100.0%]
susukino.com18029 img[100.0%]
pinkyakuza.com15353 img[100.0%], embed[0.6%]
linksynergy.com14937 img[99.1%], script[0.4%], frame[0.8%]
pornadchange.com14906 img[100.0%]
pornadexchange.com14880 img[100.0%]
miami-sluts.com14705 img[100.0%]
cherrypit.com14698 img[100.0%]
sexxxlinks.com14687 img[100.0%]
tengoku.net14610 img[100.0%]
pink-tv.com13808 img[100.0%]
buddhism.org13475 input[92.2%], img[100.0%]
hardcorethumbz.com13351 img[100.0%]
pornymail.com13336 img[100.0%]
yahoo.com13335 script[38.5%], img[41.4%], input[18.0%], frame[5.0%], iframe[0.9%]
18over.com13271 img[100.0%]
two-girls.com13040 img[100.0%]
japanbanner.com12970 img[100.0%]
linkexchange.com12704 img[96.7%], iframe[59.6%]
pink-kink.com12512 img[100.0%]
spylog.com12317 img[100.0%], script[2.0%]
wdia.com11859 frame[93.6%], img[6.4%]
rambler.ru11042 img[99.9%], iframe[0.3%]
yimg.com10747 img[97.3%], script[5.9%], input[1.0%]
with1click.com10619 script[100.0%], img[100.0%]
upskirtjapan.com10584 img[100.0%]
humanclick.com10395 script[90.1%], img[41.0%]
google.com10357 img[99.4%], frame[0.4%]
amazon.com10120 img[95.9%], script[42.6%], frame[1.2%], input[1.0%], iframe[0.4%]
thecounter.com9998 img[100.0%]
lycos.com9620 script[7.6%], img[27.1%], layer[76.7%], iframe[1.2%], frame[0.2%]
list.ru9439 img[100.0%]
sexhound.com9363 img[99.7%], input[9.4%], iframe[1.2%], script[1.2%], embed[0.3%], image[0.3%]
sitemeter.com9311 script[78.4%], img[96.3%]
paypal.com9168 img[62.5%], input[43.3%]
7search.com9071 img[100.0%], script[19.9%], iframe[0.2%], frame[0.8%], input[1.4%]
wunderground.com8841 img[99.5%], frame[1.0%], input[0.4%]
linkstoyou.com8641 img[100.0%]
sukebe.net8546 img[100.0%]
pinktower.com8316 script[100.0%]
7ch.net8294 script[100.0%]
maido3click.com8294 img[99.1%], script[0.9%]
commission-junction.com8181 img[99.4%], frame[0.6%]
www.kk.iij4u.or.jp7854 img[100.0%]
atgratis.com7771 img[100.0%]
luckylay.com7765 img[100.0%], frame[1.1%]
xclimax.com7745 script[100.0%]
musume.com7591 img[100.0%]
studentslave.com7440 img[100.0%]
www.ff.iij4u.or.jp7433 img[98.1%], iframe[1.9%]
ilse.nl7421 img[100.0%], input[4.6%]
trueteen.com7420 img[100.0%]
bravenet.com7356 img[92.5%], script[35.1%], frame[0.6%], input[0.3%]
deviantart.com7348 script[99.3%], img[99.9%]
paycounter.com6725 img[100.0%]
aol.com6543 img[75.3%], input[5.0%], embed[1.1%], frame[15.5%], script[6.6%], iframe[1.0%], bgsound[0.3%]
cherrydrops.com6516 frame[100.0%]
terra.es6516 img[79.2%], script[22.4%], input[20.1%], frame[39.0%], iframe[0.6%], embed[1.0%] img[100.0%]
janjan.com6396 img[100.0%]
guaranteed-creditcard.com6217 img[100.0%]
fillupflyer.com6217 img[100.0%]
bcentral.com6216 img[92.2%], input[8.8%], script[0.1%], frame[0.2%]
webpower.com6063 img[23.0%], frame[76.5%], iframe[0.4%]
emailpink.com6031 img[100.0%], input[6.5%]
pinknavi.com5925 img[100.0%]
porn7.com5910 img[100.0%]
moreover.com5882 script[98.2%], img[59.3%], input[2.6%], frame[0.2%]
homestead.com5871 img[95.9%], script[16.6%], frame[4.0%], input[1.2%]
ebay.com5785 img[95.8%], input[44.2%], script[6.4%], frame[1.7%]
about.com5697 img[98.6%], script[60.1%], input[14.8%], iframe[0.2%], embed[0.2%], frame[0.6%]
pinkcount.com5467 img[100.0%]
yandex.ru5459 img[58.4%], input[32.5%], script[68.1%], frame[0.2%], iframe[0.4%]
weather.com5421 input[65.8%], img[87.5%], frame[3.9%], iframe[0.2%]
porntrack.com5415 img[100.0%]
expink.com5390 img[100.0%]
asian3p.com5342 iframe[100.0%] img[79.8%], frame[42.4%]
asshol.com5218 frame[100.0%]
nudepicturs.com5218 img[100.0%]
xxxcounter.com5195 img[99.8%], frame[0.8%]
associmg.com5183 img[95.5%], input[34.3%]
cognigen.net5099 img[95.9%], frame[6.2%], input[1.5%]
icq.com5069 img[99.3%], input[1.8%], embed[0.2%], script[0.8%], frame[0.3%]
abz.com5059 img[100.0%], input[99.3%], embed[9.8%]

Also available is the Web Bug Site Count Report

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