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Web Bug Traffic Count Report
January 1st, 2022

Understanding The Report
The table in this report illustrates the top 100 web sites that are benefiting from web bugs. This is based on a sample of 48671453 pages retrieved from 4322236 different sites.

The reader should note the following

  • Domain: We track the domain doing the bugging, not the site. In this way, if sites A and sites B had, as an example, images served from banner ad servers called and, the domain will be credited with having bugged two different sites.

  • Relative Traffic Weight: This is a cumulative sum of the weight of each bugged site. The weight of a bugged site originates from our referral report, and is a measure of how authorative a site is, based on the number of other sites that link to it. The idea is that the more authorative a site is, the more traffic it has. By calculating the cumulative sum of weights, we come much closer to ranking "buggers" by the amount of traffic they have bugged. This should have the effect of elevating the rank of buggers that focus on high traffic sites.

  • Type of Bugs: In this column, we list all the different tag types that were found referencing the specified domain. The percentage represents the number of bugged sites that use the specified tag. Since a single site may use multiple tags, these percentages can and often do exceed 100%.

DomainRelative Traffic WeightTypes of Bugs
google.com62306 IFRAME[0.2%], IMG[1.1%], SCRIPT[0.1%], embed[0.7%], iframe[19.9%], img[10.7%], script[74.5%], scriptx[0.2%]
googleapis.com57130 img[0.7%], script[99.2%]
googlecode.com44295 script[99.9%]
youtube.com38664 EMBED[0.4%], IFRAME[0.5%], embed[33.2%], iframe[66.6%], img[7.2%], script[1.0%]
gravatar.com36777 img[94.5%], script[7.5%]
baidu.com34239 IFRAME[0.7%], IMG[0.2%], SCRIPT[0.6%], embed[0.2%], iframe[4.7%], img[10.7%], script[86.6%]
qq.com28542 IMG[1.1%], SCRIPT[0.2%], embed[1.1%], iframe[1.4%], img[77.3%], script[20.9%]
jquery.com25146 script[99.9%]
facebook.com19070 IFRAME[0.5%], IMG[0.1%], embed[0.5%], iframe[86.0%], img[10.7%], script[3.6%]
google-analytics.com18874 SCRIPT[0.6%], img[0.3%], script[99.1%]
googlesyndication.com18484 SCRIPT[1.2%], img[1.4%], script[97.5%]
addthis.com14939 SCRIPT[0.2%], iframe[0.1%], img[33.2%], script[93.2%]
scriptadmin.com14543 script[100.0%]
cnzz.com14149 SCRIPT[1.2%], img[2.0%], script[98.0%]
404.safedog.cn10590 iframe[100.0%], script[98.5%]
twitter.com9913 SCRIPT[0.2%], embed[0.6%], iframe[5.8%], img[0.4%], script[93.6%]
yandex.ru9582 IMG[0.3%], SCRIPT[0.1%], embed[1.0%], iframe[2.1%], img[42.6%], script[64.1%]
parkingcrew.net8714 img[0.2%], script[100.0%]
js.users.51.la7780 SCRIPT[1.4%], s[0.2%], script[98.4%]
rambler.ru7135 IMG[0.7%], SCRIPT[0.1%], img[98.0%], script[63.2%]
facebook.net7034 SCRIPT[0.2%], script[99.8%]
adobe.com6190 IMG[0.5%], embed[0.3%], iframe[0.2%], img[98.4%], script[0.7%]
sharethis.com6157 iframe[0.1%], img[0.5%], script[99.6%], scriptx[0.1%]
statcounter.com5852 IMG[0.8%], SCRIPT[1.0%], img[93.1%], script[72.0%]
baidustatic.com5836 img[0.1%], script[99.9%]
yadro.ru5663 img[100.0%]
youku.com5589 EMBED[1.8%], IFRAME[0.7%], embed[48.9%], iframe[50.7%], script[0.7%], source[0.1%], video[0.3%]
blogspot.com5403 FRAME[1.3%], IFRAME[0.2%], IMG[0.6%], frame[7.8%], i[0.1%], iframe[2.9%], im[0.2%], img[87.2%], input[0.2%], script[0.2%]
vimeo.com5173 EMBED[0.1%], IFRAME[0.7%], embed[15.8%], iframe[87.0%], img[0.2%], script[0.3%], source[0.4%]
img.users.51.la5156 IMG[2.0%], img[98.0%]
static.bshare.cn5083 SCRIPT[3.5%], iframe[0.1%], img[0.3%], script[96.9%]
mail.ru4996 IMG[0.5%], embed[0.6%], iframe[0.5%], img[88.9%], script[11.1%]
jiathis.com4856 SCRIPT[0.1%], iframe[0.1%], img[1.8%], script[99.4%]
ad-stir.com4726 script[100.0%]
assets.lolipop.jp4718 img[100.0%]
cloudflare.com4496 img[0.2%], script[99.8%]
amazonaws.com4405 IMG[0.5%], audio[0.1%], embed[1.0%], frame[0.3%], iframe[0.3%], img[77.5%], input[0.7%], script[21.9%], source[0.9%], video[0.2%]
xvideos.com4134 embed[0.1%], iframe[86.0%], img[14.0%]
searchvity.com3756 FRAME[9.3%], iframe[90.7%]
wp.com3753 IMG[0.1%], i[0.1%], iframe[3.8%], img[40.9%], script[74.1%]
yifajingren.com3704 iframe[0.3%], img[100.0%]
w3.org3612 IMG[0.7%], a[0.1%], img[98.4%], script[0.1%], source[0.1%], style[0.4%] IFRAME[2.0%], IMG[0.1%], embed[0.2%], iframe[87.8%], img[2.8%], script[7.8%]
alicdn.com3454 IMG[2.1%], div[0.1%], img[92.7%], meta[0.1%], p[0.1%], script[7.2%], video[0.2%]
googleadservices.com3448 IMG[0.1%], SCRIPT[0.1%], img[33.6%], script[97.0%]
xh.video3436 iframe[100.0%]
wordpress.com3424 FRAME[2.6%], IMG[0.7%], embed[0.2%], frame[8.2%], iframe[10.6%], img[52.1%], script[28.1%]
west263.com3340 img[99.9%], script[0.1%]
twimg.com3190 IMG[0.2%], SCRIPT[0.7%], img[19.1%], script[80.2%]
ie6countdown.com3167 img[100.0%]
11aa555.com3153 script[100.0%]
www.3151 IMG[0.2%], embed[0.2%], iframe[0.7%], img[71.4%], input[0.2%], script[26.9%], source[0.3%] script[100.0%]
imgur.com3000 IMG[0.3%], div[0.1%], iframe[0.5%], img[99.4%], input[0.2%], source[0.1%]
netlbtu.com3000 img[100.0%]
sav.com2962 img[100.0%]
businesscatalyst.com2864 img[0.3%], script[99.8%]
photobucket.com2729 EMBED[0.2%], IMG[3.9%], a[0.2%], embed[4.5%], iframe[1.3%], img[94.2%], input[0.4%]
flickr.com2722 IMG[0.9%], embed[11.3%], frame[0.2%], iframe[4.0%], img[67.5%], script[23.3%]
iyfubh.com2702 iframe[100.0%]
awempire.com2498 embed[1.0%], iframe[1.5%], img[86.7%], script[31.6%]
fbcdn.net2479 IMG[0.6%], SCRIPT[0.2%], img[33.1%], script[66.3%]
53kf.com2392 SCRIPT[0.2%], iframe[0.2%], img[0.2%], script[99.7%]
amazon-adsystem.com2375 IFRAME[0.5%], IMG[0.3%], SCRIPT[9.3%], embed[0.5%], iframe[46.9%], img[45.7%], script[13.9%]
www.4.cn2354 img[100.0%]
yimg.com2341 IMG[1.5%], INPUT[0.2%], SCRIPT[0.3%], embed[1.2%], iframe[0.4%], img[81.3%], input[5.6%], script[12.8%]
list.ru2251 IMG[6.4%], img[93.8%]
bdimg.com2197 IMG[0.3%], img[32.5%], script[67.1%]
fc2.com2191 EMBED[0.1%], FRAME[0.4%], IFRAME[0.5%], IMG[3.5%], SCRIPT[2.6%], embed[0.2%], frame[0.4%], iframe[1.6%], img[55.3%], input[0.5%], s[0.1%], script[67.6%]
findquickresultsnow.com2139 script[100.0%]
07551.com2119 img[99.9%], script[0.2%]
extreme-dm.com2112 IMG[2.1%], img[95.3%], script[3.6%]
dcs.conac.cn2104 SCRIPT[0.8%], img[6.7%], script[93.6%]
sohu.com2102 IMG[1.4%], SCRIPT[0.1%], embed[3.9%], iframe[1.7%], img[16.7%], script[76.5%]
cdn-image.com2083 img[53.0%], input[1.3%], script[100.0%]
amazon.com2040 IFRAME[0.6%], IMG[4.0%], INPUT[0.3%], SCRIPT[5.8%], embed[6.9%], frame[0.2%], iframe[48.7%], img[42.0%], input[3.5%], script[3.4%]
toplist.cz1998 IMG[2.1%], img[98.0%]
directfwd.com1947 script[100.0%]
ytimg.com1942 IMG[0.6%], embed[0.5%], img[98.9%]
radikal.ru1891 IMG[3.1%], iframe[0.1%], im[0.1%], img[99.6%], span[0.1%]
hotlog.ru1887 IMG[0.2%], SCRIPT[0.2%], img[98.8%], script[11.8%]
54kefu.net1877 SCRIPT[0.5%], img[0.7%], script[99.1%]
skype.com1877 IMG[1.0%], SCRIPT[0.5%], embed[0.1%], iframe[0.1%], img[76.8%], script[56.0%]
yahoo.com1871 FRAME[0.1%], IMG[6.7%], INPUT[0.2%], SCRIPT[0.2%], a[0.1%], bug[0.1%], embed[0.4%], frame[0.4%], iframe[3.4%], img[79.4%], input[0.9%], script[16.2%]
tumblr.com1852 FRAME[0.6%], IFRAME[0.1%], IMG[0.2%], SCRIPT[0.1%], embed[0.8%], frame[1.9%], iframe[6.7%], img[76.3%], script[18.8%]
images-amazon.com1770 IMG[1.9%], img[98.6%], input[0.3%]
bootcss.com1750 SCRIPT[0.1%], script[99.9%]
quantserve.com1748 IMG[0.2%], img[97.8%], script[65.4%]
cdnpark.com1739 img[99.9%] IFRAME[0.2%], IMG[10.3%], SCRIPT[0.6%], i[0.1%], iframe[1.5%], ilayer[0.2%], img[79.3%], input[0.1%], script[31.8%]
vvvddd.com1709 img[100.0%], input[7.4%]
aliyuncs.com1701 1d0[0.1%], IMG[0.2%], audio[0.2%], iframe[0.2%], im[0.2%], image[0.1%], img[95.5%], imgoverload[0.3%], script[7.7%], source[1.8%], video[2.1%]
google.pl1676 IFRAME[0.2%], embed[0.2%], iframe[50.2%], img[6.9%], script[42.5%]
love104.com1653 frame[99.9%], img[0.1%]
wikimedia.org1651 IMG[1.9%], audio[0.1%], img[97.9%], source[0.1%] EMBED[0.2%], FRAME[0.7%], IFRAME[0.6%], IMG[4.8%], SCRIPT[0.2%], embed[0.6%], iframe[3.6%], img[86.8%], input[0.6%], script[35.4%], source[1.6%], video[0.2%]
a8.net1619 IMG[6.5%], img[96.9%], script[2.7%]
sitemeter.com1619 IMG[1.5%], SCRIPT[1.2%], img[91.5%], script[85.2%]
bootstrapcdn.com1605 script[99.9%]
linkedin.com1547 IMG[0.2%], frame[0.1%], iframe[0.3%], img[26.1%], script[73.7%]

Also available is the Web Bug Site Count Report

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