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Secure Server Survey
February 1st 2005

For analysis of other domains:

Report Description

The certificate authorities listed in this report are based on those where we can verify the full certificate chain up to the root certificate of the CA in question. For a number of reasons, the "Other" component in this report is rather large. These reasons include:

  1. In some cases CAs require you to agree to licensing terms before accessing their public keys. Any root public key not freely available is not included in this report, and the associated certificates signed by the key will be in the "Other" category.
  2. Some of the root public keys are inaccessible for other reasons, or may have simply not been included in our survey.
  3. This report limits itself to the top 7 verified root keys for reporting purposes (with the exception of self signed certificates, that are all grouped together in a single category).

An alternative view of the CA market can be seen in our newer CA Market Share report which does not rely on certificate chain validation, and reports on the top 100 CAs known.

Across All Domains

Certificate Authority1 Market Share Change (Total servers: 206,556 )

Authority2 January
Self Signed17,6358.54%17,0658.50%+0.04%
1Visit our alternative CA Market Share report for a view of CAs not covered here.
2Certificate Authorities are ordered according to their global market share.

February 1st 2005 CA Market Share Pie Chart

February 1st 2005 Historical Market Share Graph

Certificate Validity

Valid   87431
Self Signed   17635
Unknown Signer   44297
Cert-Host Mismatch   49663
Expired   16234

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