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Secure Server Survey
February 1st, 2025

Across All Domains

Domain Summary

Domain Description Web Servers Percentage
com Commercial 3,568,94936.13%
de Germany 746,2597.55%
org Non-Profit Orgs 489,8334.96%
nl Netherlands 430,1014.35%
ru Russian Federation 364,8373.69%
net Network 348,4023.53%
jp Japan 329,3883.33%
pl Poland 267,9342.71%
uk United Kingdom 181,4801.84%
fr France 170,0221.72%
it Italy 157,7791.60%
br Brazil 156,7781.59%
cz Czech Republic 155,3541.57%
ch Switzerland 142,2501.44%
cn China 122,2601.24%
at Austria 119,5631.21%
eu  101,5031.03%
hu Hungary 99,3781.01%
be Belgium 92,5910.94%
au Australia 92,1820.93%
ca Canada 91,6320.93%
es Spain 72,8560.74%
edu Educational 65,3770.66%
ro Romania 58,0090.59%
info Information 54,7740.55%
se Sweden 52,4510.53%
dk Denmark 49,3580.50%
ua Ukraine 49,2170.50%
sk Slovak Republic 49,1370.50%
in India 45,4200.46%
fi Finland 37,1400.38%
tw Taiwan 36,5200.37%
id Indonesia 35,8440.36%
za South Africa 34,4490.35%
tr Turkey 32,7390.33%
ar Argentina 32,3220.33%
biz Business 29,4830.30%
gr Greece 28,8570.29%
me  28,0450.28%
mx Mexico 27,9170.28%
kr South Korea 27,3140.28%
no Norway 27,0630.27%
pt Portugal 26,3030.27%
vn Vietnam 24,2830.25%
lt Lithuania 24,1550.24%
by Belarus 24,0570.24%
bg Bulgaria 23,6950.24%
us United States 23,3200.24%
co Colombia 22,1140.22%
io British Indian Ocean Territory 21,8800.22%
nz New Zealand 21,5980.22%
cc Cocos (Keeling) Islands 20,3660.21%
cl Chile 19,8460.20%
site  18,7490.19%
si Slovenia 17,6300.18%
hr Croatia 16,0990.16%
ir Iran 14,5160.15%
ie Ireland 12,4150.13%
rs  12,1230.12%
tv Tuvalu 11,7690.12%
nu Niue 11,3380.11%
ee Estonia 11,3030.11%
il Israel 11,1280.11%
lv Latvia 11,0520.11%
gov USA Government 10,7330.11%
my Malaysia 10,0250.10%
hk Hong Kong 9,5640.10%
th Thailand 9,5500.10%
su Former USSR 9,3250.09%
tl  9,0750.09%
bd Bangladesh 9,0250.09%
website  8,9160.09%
cat  8,9120.09%
kz Kazakhstan 7,6460.08%
app  7,3310.07%
sg Singapore 7,1510.07%
pro  7,1310.07%
online  5,9560.06%
pe Peru 5,5870.06%
uy Uruguay 4,8130.05%
pk Pakistan 4,7160.05%
blog  4,6540.05%
lu Luxembourg 4,5330.05%
ws Samoa 4,1710.04%
is Iceland 4,0880.04%
ba Bosnia-Herzegovina 3,9980.04%
shop  3,9740.04%
ph Philippines 3,9350.04%
page  3,6490.04%
top  3,5010.04%
ae United Arab Emirates 3,2200.03%
club  3,1750.03%
ec Ecuador 3,0270.03%
xyz  3,0200.03%
md Moldavia 3,0150.03%
goog  2,9100.03%
ge Georgia 2,7760.03%
uz Uzbekistan 2,7060.03%
np Nepal 2,6690.03%
fm Micronesia 2,6500.03%
fashion  2,6220.03%
gg Channel Islands 2,6040.03%
mk Macedonia 2,5410.03%
link  2,5020.03%
to Tonga 2,4820.03%
ke Kenya 2,4020.02%
ai Anguilla 2,2750.02%
tokyo  2,2290.02%
pw Palau 2,1950.02%
mn Mongolia 2,0130.02%
ng Nigeria 1,9610.02%
am Armenia 1,9140.02%
rocks  1,8730.02%
tech  1,7560.02%
li Liechtenstein 1,7430.02%
bz Belize 1,7060.02%
lk Sri Lanka 1,7030.02%
name Names 1,7030.02%
art  1,6730.02%
coop Cooperatives 1,6630.02%
eus  1,6560.02%
store  1,6550.02%
ma Morocco 1,6510.02%
py Paraguay 1,6410.02%
sa Saudi Arabia 1,5680.02%
media  1,5390.02%
asia  1,5270.02%
cloud  1,4870.02%
dev  1,4350.01%
tz Tanzania 1,3590.01%
az Azerbaidjan 1,3150.01%
live  1,2740.01%
cr Costa Rica 1,2380.01%
studio  1,2260.01%
center  1,2090.01%
kg Kyrgyzstan 1,1750.01%
do Dominican Republic 1,1740.01%
space  1,1470.01%
cy Cyprus 1,1170.01%
photography  1,0980.01%
bo Bolivia 1,0980.01%
design  1,0950.01%
life  1,0940.01%
work  1,0690.01%
digital  1,0640.01%
eg Egypt 1,0550.01%
agency  1,0490.01%
world  1,0460.01%
mobi  1,0360.01%
travel  1,0150.01%
tn Tunisia 9930.01%
Other  94,9190.96%
Domains with less than 0.01% of the share of all servers are grouped into the category "Other".

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