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Web Bug Traffic Count Report
June 1st, 2003

Understanding The Report
The table in this report illustrates the top 100 web sites that are benefiting from web bugs. This is based on a sample of 12272632 pages retrieved from 1556408 different sites.

The reader should note the following

  • Domain: We track the domain doing the bugging, not the site. In this way, if sites A and sites B had, as an example, images served from banner ad servers called and, the domain will be credited with having bugged two different sites.

  • Relative Traffic Weight: This is a cumulative sum of the weight of each bugged site. The weight of a bugged site originates from our referral report, and is a measure of how authorative a site is, based on the number of other sites that link to it. The idea is that the more authorative a site is, the more traffic it has. By calculating the cumulative sum of weights, we come much closer to ranking "buggers" by the amount of traffic they have bugged. This should have the effect of elevating the rank of buggers that focus on high traffic sites.

  • Type of Bugs: In this column, we list all the different tag types that were found referencing the specified domain. The percentage represents the number of bugged sites that use the specified tag. Since a single site may use multiple tags, these percentages can and often do exceed 100%.

DomainRelative Traffic WeightTypes of Bugs
doubleclick.net167740 script[49.1%], img[81.2%], iframe[63.0%], layer[6.1%], comment[0.0%], input[0.0%], frame[0.0%], s[0.0%], scri[0.0%], ilayer[0.1%], td[0.0%], a[0.0%]
bfast.com94880 img[98.7%], script[4.9%], iframe[1.9%], frame[0.4%], a[0.0%], input[0.0%], textarea[0.0%], option[0.0%], s[0.0%], font[0.0%]
qksrv.net83164 img[99.6%], frame[0.5%], a[0.0%], iframe[0.1%], option[0.0%], input[0.0%]
extreme-dm.com77821 img[100.0%], font[0.0%], a[0.0%]
akamai.net71729 img[96.3%], script[51.4%], input[6.4%], embed[1.6%], 1000[0.0%], im[0.0%], i[0.0%], bgsound[0.0%], a[0.0%], a6d[0.0%], scr[0.0%]
rabattwelt.de71143 img[74.2%], input[74.5%], frame[25.5%]
google.com59355 img[99.4%], frame[0.4%], iframe[0.1%], input[0.1%], a[0.0%]
zanox-affiliate.de55393 frame[5.5%], img[95.5%], script[4.7%], iframe[1.0%], embed[0.9%], input[0.3%], i[0.1%]
platincard.de52437 img[100.0%]
rossmann.de52241 script[98.3%], img[2.1%], input[0.4%]
d2mannesmann.de52237 script[99.2%], img[0.4%], s[0.4%]
deviantart.com51614 script[99.4%], img[99.9%], a[0.0%], input[0.1%], iframe[74.7%], frame[0.1%] img[100.0%]
zonebourse.com51337 img[100.0%]
wilink.com51337 iframe[100.0%]
hitbox.com47617 script[31.9%], img[85.0%], iframe[2.6%], input[0.1%], a[0.0%], s[0.0%]
asian-asian.com45470 script[100.0%]
nedstatbasic.net44925 script[62.4%], img[48.2%], a[0.0%], s[0.1%], im[0.0%], comment[0.0%], frame[0.0%], iframe[0.0%], scripts[0.0%]
tradedoubler.com42968 frame[0.7%], script[44.3%], img[69.7%], iframe[11.6%], input[0.2%], s[0.2%], font[0.1%], p[0.1%]
amazon.com41441 img[98.6%], iframe[4.4%], input[51.4%], script[19.5%], frame[0.3%], area[0.0%], 25c[0.0%], cursive[0.0%], im[0.0%], defanged_script[0.0%], s[0.0%], a[0.0%], image[0.0%], embed[0.0%], i[0.0%]
currentconditions.com40870 img[100.0%]
sitemeter.com40752 script[78.8%], img[96.5%], frame[0.0%], s[0.1%]
ad-serve.net39511 img[100.0%]
pinkyahoo.com38381 img[100.0%]
realsearch.com38231 img[100.0%], frame[1.7%]
pinkcount.com37251 img[100.0%]
yimg.com37192 img[98.7%], script[2.1%], image[0.0%], input[0.7%], embed[0.1%], a[0.0%], td[0.0%]
pinkyakuza.com36401 img[100.0%], embed[0.4%]
linksynergy.com34473 img[99.0%], script[0.6%], a[0.0%], input[0.1%], textarea[0.0%], frame[0.7%], iframe[0.1%], param[0.0%]
linkexchange.com33314 img[96.9%], iframe[60.8%], br[0.0%], ilayer[0.0%], a[0.0%], xxxiframe[0.0%], xxximg[0.0%], iimg[0.0%]
webmasterplan.com32245 img[94.8%], script[4.0%], frame[1.7%], input[2.0%], iframe[0.5%], s[0.1%]
lycos.com29745 input[0.2%], layer[72.6%], img[30.2%], script[8.6%], iframe[0.7%], frame[0.3%], i[0.0%], scr[0.0%], embed[0.0%]
firstsites.com28722 img[99.4%], frame[100.0%]
studentslave.com27471 img[100.0%]
rambler.ru26785 img[99.9%], input[0.1%], iframe[0.2%], frame[0.0%], image[0.0%]
ap.org26650 script[40.9%], img[63.4%], frame[2.4%], input[7.9%], link[0.6%], embed[0.6%] img[100.0%]
wunderground.com25048 img[99.7%], frame[0.3%], image[0.0%], iframe[0.0%], script[0.0%], a[0.0%], input[0.0%]
spylog.com24161 img[100.0%], script[1.1%]
imsstats.com23807 img[100.0%]
pink-kink.com23396 img[100.0%]
weather.com22425 input[60.8%], img[86.2%], frame[5.5%], ilayer[0.0%], iframe[0.3%], script[1.5%], embed[0.0%], a[0.0%] img[80.2%], input[34.2%], script[6.8%], frame[16.7%], iframe[0.8%], bgsound[0.3%]
list.ru21764 img[99.9%], frame[0.0%], script[0.0%], iframe[0.0%], image[0.0%]
7search.com21507 img[99.7%], script[17.6%], frame[1.1%], iframe[0.2%], input[1.0%]
linkstoyou.com21306 img[100.0%]
yahoo.com21274 frame[7.8%], img[54.3%], script[23.7%], input[17.1%], iframe[0.6%], embed[0.1%], html[0.0%], layer[0.0%], 1b8[0.0%], s[0.0%], meta[0.0%]
ergatechnology.com21252 img[99.2%], input[100.0%]
kansas-real-estate.org21250 img[100.0%]
netdirect.nl21075 img[65.1%], iframe[34.3%], embed[1.9%], script[1.0%], frame[0.3%]
consulnet.com20991 img[100.0%]
liveperson.net20632 img[64.9%], script[72.9%], s[0.1%], iframe[0.1%]
bigcharts.com20501 img[97.5%], input[1.2%], a[0.6%], frame[0.6%], iframe[0.6%]
icq.com20027 img[99.5%], input[0.7%], embed[0.2%], script[0.8%], iframe[0.0%], image[0.0%], frame[0.1%], td[0.0%]
nfns.com19983 iframe[100.0%]
paypal.com19940 input[40.7%], img[65.4%], image[0.0%], i[0.0%], ixmg[0.0%]
japanbanner.com19717 img[100.0%]
humanclick.com19563 img[43.1%], script[87.1%], meta[0.0%], defanged_script[0.0%]
atwola.com19241 script[95.0%], img[71.9%], iframe[0.7%]
bcentral.com19201 img[94.7%], input[6.0%], frame[0.2%], script[0.2%], iframe[0.1%]
headpoint.com19114 frame[100.0%] img[100.0%]
tengoku.net19062 img[100.0%]
lygo.com18910 img[65.4%], input[79.9%], script[0.9%]
bravenet.com18813 img[92.3%], script[51.3%], frame[0.5%], s[0.0%], font[0.0%], iframe[0.1%], textarea[0.0%], meta[0.0%], input[0.1%], div[0.0%], im[0.0%], p[0.0%]
pink-tv.com18608 img[100.0%], input[1.4%]
aol.com18136 frame[19.5%], embed[0.9%], img[72.5%], input[6.1%], script[5.2%], bgsound[0.5%], iframe[0.6%], font[0.1%]
webtrendslive.com17715 img[100.0%]
asian3p.com17603 iframe[100.0%]
pornoworld.pl17395 img[95.9%], iframe[6.4%], embed[86.6%]
wn.com16945 img[100.0%], input[97.1%], td[0.3%], table[0.3%]
weerkamer.nl16220 img[99.5%], frame[0.5%]
telequotes.nl16184 img[100.0%]
18over.com15966 img[100.0%]
moreover.com15954 script[98.3%], img[58.8%], input[1.8%], s[0.1%], frame[0.1%], iframe[0.1%], defanged_script[0.0%]
churchofmagick.net15844 img[100.0%]
resultonline.com15809 img[98.5%], iframe[1.5%], script[0.5%]
fx.nl15780 img[99.0%], iframe[1.0%]
klikklik.nl15732 img[97.7%], script[2.3%]
nugratis.nl15724 img[100.0%]
zappsite.nl15724 img[100.0%] img[100.0%]
atdmt.com15142 iframe[39.6%], img[97.3%], frame[0.2%]
bollyfun.com14980 img[100.0%]
mediaplex.com14551 img[99.3%], iframe[11.6%], script[11.1%], frame[0.5%], input[0.2%]
daprints.com14539 img[100.0%]
bluestreak.com14459 img[92.2%], script[7.8%], iframe[0.4%]
buddhism.org14414 img[100.0%], input[93.7%]
ellure.nl14243 img[100.0%]
pinkswap.com14188 img[57.4%], iframe[42.6%]
camfun.de13929 frame[100.0%]
pink-asian-pussy.com13701 img[95.8%], input[8.2%]
yandex.ru13552 script[70.5%], img[58.1%], input[0.0%], embed[0.1%], frame[0.1%], iframe[0.4%], textarea[0.0%]
janjan.com13541 img[100.0%]
ihouse2000.com13480 img[99.1%], frame[0.9%]
soaremls.com13446 frame[19.1%], img[83.0%]
bannerspace.com13235 script[99.4%], iframe[99.8%], img[2.9%]
match.com13028 script[25.0%], img[98.7%], input[12.4%], frame[3.5%]
xiti.com12857 img[100.0%]
pinktower.com12834 script[100.0%]

Also available is the Web Bug Site Count Report

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