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Test Kennung:
Kategorie:Port scanners
Titel:Ping Host
Zusammenfassung:This detection determines whether a remote host is; alive by getting a response when sending a request.
This detection determines whether a remote host is
alive by getting a response when sending a request.

Vulnerability Insight:
The detection methods might fail for the following

- ICMP: This might be disabled for an environment and would then cause false negatives
as hosts are believed to be dead that actually are alive. In contrast it is also
possible that a Firewall between the scanner and the target host is answering to the
ICMP message and thus hosts are believed to be alive that actually are dead.

- TCP ping: Similar to the ICMP case a Firewall between the scanner and the target might
answer to the sent probes and thus hosts are believed to be alive that actually are

CVSS Score:

CVSS Vector:

CopyrightCopyright (C) 2009 Greenbone Networks GmbH

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