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Test Kennung:
Kategorie:Gain a shell remotely
Titel:Linksys multiple remote vulnerabilities
Zusammenfassung:The remote host appears to be a Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router; which is affected by multiple flaws.
The remote host appears to be a Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router
which is affected by multiple flaws.

Vulnerability Insight:
The firmware version installed on the remote host is prone to several

- Execute arbitrary commands on the affected router with root privileges.

- Download and replace the configuration of affected routers via a special
POST request to the 'restore.cgi' or 'upgrade.cgi' scripts.

- Allow remote attackers to obtain encrypted configuration information and,
if the key is known, modify the configuration.

- Degrade the performance of affected devices and cause the Web server
to become unresponsive, potentially denying service to legitimate users.

Upgrade to firmware version 4.20.7 or later.

CVSS Score:

CVSS Vector:

Querverweis: BugTraq ID: 14822
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2005-2799
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2005-2914
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2005-2915
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2005-2916
CopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Josh Zlatin-Amishav

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