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Web Bug Traffic Count Report
November 1st, 2014

Understanding The Report
The table in this report illustrates the top 100 web sites that are benefiting from web bugs. This is based on a sample of 63745479 pages retrieved from 3865448 different sites.

The reader should note the following

  • Domain: We track the domain doing the bugging, not the site. In this way, if sites A and sites B had, as an example, images served from banner ad servers called and, the domain will be credited with having bugged two different sites.

  • Relative Traffic Weight: This is a cumulative sum of the weight of each bugged site. The weight of a bugged site originates from our referral report, and is a measure of how authorative a site is, based on the number of other sites that link to it. The idea is that the more authorative a site is, the more traffic it has. By calculating the cumulative sum of weights, we come much closer to ranking "buggers" by the amount of traffic they have bugged. This should have the effect of elevating the rank of buggers that focus on high traffic sites.

  • Type of Bugs: In this column, we list all the different tag types that were found referencing the specified domain. The percentage represents the number of bugged sites that use the specified tag. Since a single site may use multiple tags, these percentages can and often do exceed 100%.

DomainRelative Traffic WeightTypes of Bugs
google.com296802 embed[0.7%], iframe[20.6%], img[10.8%], s[0.1%], script[79.1%]
googleapis.com199811 embed[0.3%], img[2.2%], s[0.2%], script[97.7%]
youtube.com178541 embed[36.2%], iframe[68.4%], img[5.2%], script[0.7%]
facebook.com110338 embed[0.4%], iframe[89.4%], img[8.5%], script[4.1%]
googlesyndication.com100689 img[3.4%], s[0.2%], script[96.8%]
googlecode.com86834 img[0.3%], s[0.3%], script[99.4%]
google-analytics.com75590 img[1.0%], s[0.2%], script[98.8%]
addthis.com73536 iframe[0.1%], img[23.9%], s[0.2%], script[97.4%]
gravatar.com70124 img[81.5%], script[27.3%]
jquery.com68171 s[0.2%], script[99.8%]
twitter.com64621 embed[0.4%], iframe[8.8%], img[0.4%], s[0.2%], script[91.4%]
cnzz.com63456 img[1.0%], script[99.5%]
qq.com62067 embed[0.7%], iframe[3.0%], img[80.5%], script[20.9%]
baidu.com47328 embed[0.3%], iframe[4.8%], img[19.4%], script[82.8%]
facebook.net40745 s[0.2%], script[99.8%]
js.users.51.la37221 script[100.0%]
wp.com33711 iframe[19.7%], img[30.5%], input[0.3%], script[97.2%]
adobe.com33455 embed[0.3%], iframe[0.1%], img[99.6%]
awempire.com31107 embed[2.2%], iframe[0.4%], img[98.8%], script[4.3%]
wordpress.com29799 embed[0.1%], frame[2.7%], i[0.2%], iframe[9.3%], im[0.2%], img[48.6%], script[44.6%], source[0.2%]
rambler.ru28110 img[98.8%], script[52.6%]
googleadservices.com27512 img[32.6%], s[0.1%], script[98.5%]
baidustatic.com27476 script[99.9%]
yandex.ru26392 embed[1.7%], iframe[2.8%], img[43.9%], script[62.9%]
blogspot.com24937 frame[3.8%], iframe[2.2%], img[93.8%], input[0.6%], script[0.5%]
yadro.ru24870 img[99.9%]
godaddy.com24819 iframe[97.4%], img[2.6%]
vimeo.com24216 embed[16.2%], iframe[87.9%], img[0.2%], script[0.2%], source[0.1%]
illiweb.com21244 embed[0.1%], img[99.9%], script[97.7%]
sharethis.com21200 iframe[0.1%], img[0.9%], s[0.1%], script[99.5%]
statcounter.com20299 img[90.7%], s[0.3%], script[89.6%]
photobucket.com19594 br[0.1%], content[0.2%], embed[4.1%], iframe[0.4%], img[97.3%], input[0.5%]
mail.ru17799 embed[0.7%], iframe[0.9%], img[86.0%], script[17.1%]
img.users.51.la17768 img[100.0%]
amazonaws.com17725 a[0.1%], audio[0.2%], embed[1.3%], frame[0.1%], iframe[0.6%], img[84.0%], input[0.8%], script[18.9%], source[0.9%], video[0.1%]
scorecardresearch.com17596 img[98.7%], script[3.5%]
livejasmin.com17158 iframe[6.9%], img[36.5%], script[81.8%]
twimg.com17138 img[22.7%], s[0.3%], script[77.7%]
imgfast.net16745 img[100.0%]
editboard.com16474 iframe[100.0%]
sedoparking.com15256 frame[1.0%], iframe[0.2%], img[3.0%], script[98.7%]
criteo.com15237 iframe[0.1%], img[99.7%], script[0.3%]
servimg.com14820 img[100.0%], input[0.1%]
51yes.com14559 img[0.2%], script[99.9%]
fc2.com14001 embed[1.1%], frame[0.5%], i[0.3%], iframe[3.1%], im[0.3%], img[93.0%], input[2.0%], s[0.3%], script[47.9%]
dsultra.com13708 script[100.0%]
yimg.com13299 embed[1.7%], iframe[0.5%], img[74.8%], input[3.5%], script[26.8%]
hitsk.in13256 img[100.0%]
youku.com12960 embed[97.1%], iframe[2.9%], img[0.3%], script[0.7%]
flickr.com12951 embed[13.1%], iframe[4.7%], img[72.6%], script[15.6%]
fbcdn.net12478 img[42.5%], s[0.1%], script[57.8%]
adnxs.com12472 iframe[89.1%], img[3.5%], script[9.4%]
blogblog.com11695 img[99.9%], input[0.1%]
quantserve.com11689 img[89.9%], s[0.1%], script[72.6%]
tumblr.com11544 embed[0.4%], frame[1.6%], iframe[49.2%], img[87.2%], input[0.5%], script[63.5%]
images-amazon.com11455 img[99.4%], input[1.1%], script[0.3%]
linkedin.com10832 frame[0.1%], iframe[0.1%], img[16.7%], script[83.7%]
cloudfront.net10703 embed[0.9%], iframe[0.6%], img[75.3%], input[0.8%], script[48.9%], source[1.4%]
yahoo.com10630 embed[0.4%], frame[1.0%], iframe[2.9%], img[87.2%], input[0.6%], script[12.3%]
rubiconproject.com10569 iframe[89.7%], img[0.2%], script[10.1%]
tinypic.com10419 br[0.1%], embed[0.3%], img[99.6%], input[0.2%]
amazon.com9856 embed[11.9%], frame[0.2%], iframe[55.4%], img[34.3%], input[2.2%], script[10.6%]
w3.org9830 img[99.8%]
0401.tw9781 img[100.0%]
gemius.pl9388 iframe[0.1%], img[1.8%], script[98.1%]
ucoz.net9328 iframe[0.2%], img[91.3%], input[1.5%], script[81.6%]
jimdo.com9303 embed[0.3%], frame[0.5%], i[0.2%], im[0.2%], img[99.2%], script[10.1%]
ytimg.com9121 embed[0.4%], img[99.5%]
jiathis.com9080 embed[0.1%], img[4.1%], script[99.6%] embed[0.2%], iframe[88.2%], img[3.4%], script[8.8%] embed[0.2%], iframe[3.6%], img[70.4%], script[44.2%]
pinterest.com8918 img[43.2%], script[66.8%]
toplist.cz8788 img[99.9%]
skype.com8663 img[76.0%], s[0.2%], script[62.0%]
a8.net8466 img[99.6%], script[1.7%]
recaptcha.net8410 iframe[72.6%], img[1.2%], script[98.2%]
userapi.com8277 img[6.5%], script[94.6%]
hostgator.com7653 embed[91.5%], img[98.4%], script[93.1%]
domainparkingserver.net7605 iframe[100.0%]
wikimedia.org7578 img[99.8%]
alexa.com7518 iframe[0.1%], img[60.7%], script[42.6%] img[100.0%]
doubleclick.net7253 iframe[34.5%], img[54.9%], layer[0.2%], s[0.4%], script[34.0%]
google.de7015 embed[0.4%], iframe[71.1%], img[2.1%], script[26.5%]
gstatic.com7010 img[90.1%], script[10.0%]
feedburner.com7009 iframe[0.1%], img[79.0%], s[0.1%], script[24.1%]
list.ru6806 img[99.9%]
xiti.com6768 img[100.0%]
404.safedog.cn6724 iframe[100.0%]
smartadserver.com6647 img[88.9%], script[12.8%]
amazon-adsystem.com6445 iframe[44.0%], img[39.8%], script[33.1%]
imaging.jugem.jp6431 embed[0.1%], img[89.3%], input[0.6%], script[85.9%]
histats.com6368 embed[4.3%], img[97.8%], script[18.5%]
skimresources.com6324 script[99.9%]
xrea.com6303 iframe[18.5%], img[97.2%], s[0.3%], script[68.7%]
linezing.com6217 img[77.7%], script[97.6%]
ie6countdown.com6204 img[100.0%] embed[2.5%], img[100.0%]
rmgserving.com6169 img[85.7%], script[100.0%]
imgaft.com6104 img[65.0%], input[2.4%], script[99.4%]

Also available is the Web Bug Site Count Report

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