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Web Bug Traffic Count Report
May 1st, 2014

Understanding The Report
The table in this report illustrates the top 100 web sites that are benefiting from web bugs. This is based on a sample of 65957379 pages retrieved from 4330429 different sites.

The reader should note the following

  • Domain: We track the domain doing the bugging, not the site. In this way, if sites A and sites B had, as an example, images served from banner ad servers called and, the domain will be credited with having bugged two different sites.

  • Relative Traffic Weight: This is a cumulative sum of the weight of each bugged site. The weight of a bugged site originates from our referral report, and is a measure of how authorative a site is, based on the number of other sites that link to it. The idea is that the more authorative a site is, the more traffic it has. By calculating the cumulative sum of weights, we come much closer to ranking "buggers" by the amount of traffic they have bugged. This should have the effect of elevating the rank of buggers that focus on high traffic sites.

  • Type of Bugs: In this column, we list all the different tag types that were found referencing the specified domain. The percentage represents the number of bugged sites that use the specified tag. Since a single site may use multiple tags, these percentages can and often do exceed 100%.

DomainRelative Traffic WeightTypes of Bugs
google.com338686 embed[0.7%], iframe[20.9%], img[11.0%], s[0.1%], script[77.6%]
googleapis.com219180 img[1.9%], s[0.4%], script[98.2%]
youtube.com201146 embed[39.6%], iframe[65.9%], img[4.7%], script[0.8%]
facebook.com130454 embed[0.5%], iframe[89.2%], img[8.3%], script[4.8%]
googlesyndication.com125207 img[3.1%], s[0.3%], script[97.3%]
google-analytics.com105314 img[0.9%], s[0.3%], script[98.9%]
addthis.com88360 img[25.9%], s[0.2%], script[97.6%]
googlecode.com79110 img[0.4%], s[0.5%], script[99.2%]
jquery.com74651 s[0.3%], script[99.7%]
twitter.com69101 embed[0.5%], iframe[9.1%], img[0.4%], s[0.2%], script[91.1%]
gravatar.com67462 img[82.0%], script[26.8%]
cnzz.com63474 img[0.6%], script[99.8%]
qq.com54695 embed[0.7%], iframe[3.4%], img[84.9%], script[15.8%]
facebook.net49099 s[0.3%], script[99.7%]
baidu.com43824 embed[0.2%], iframe[5.1%], img[23.7%], script[80.7%]
adobe.com41524 embed[0.4%], img[99.5%]
wordpress.com35098 embed[0.2%], frame[2.4%], iframe[7.3%], img[26.3%], script[74.2%]
yadro.ru32224 img[99.9%]
googleadservices.com30681 img[38.6%], s[0.4%], script[98.1%]
rambler.ru30090 img[98.2%], script[53.6%]
vimeo.com27935 embed[17.1%], iframe[86.7%], img[0.2%], script[0.3%]
js.users.51.la26438 script[100.0%]
yandex.ru26425 embed[2.2%], iframe[2.4%], img[46.5%], script[61.6%]
wp.com25659 iframe[6.7%], img[14.3%], script[98.1%]
statcounter.com23937 img[90.5%], s[0.5%], script[90.5%]
illiweb.com23920 img[99.8%], script[98.9%]
sharethis.com22633 iframe[0.1%], img[0.9%], s[0.2%], script[99.5%]
amazonaws.com22381 a[0.1%], audio[0.1%], embed[1.4%], frame[0.3%], iframe[0.9%], img[86.1%], input[1.0%], script[14.9%], source[0.6%], video[0.2%]
twimg.com22172 img[17.2%], s[0.3%], script[83.1%]
godaddy.com22032 iframe[96.5%], img[3.4%], script[0.1%]
sedoparking.com21781 frame[1.1%], iframe[0.2%], img[2.3%], script[98.7%]
cloudfront.net21082 embed[0.6%], iframe[0.6%], img[27.0%], input[0.6%], script[82.6%], source[0.7%]
z5x.net20883 iframe[97.7%], script[2.3%]
baidustatic.com20738 img[0.2%], script[99.8%]
photobucket.com19846 embed[4.6%], iframe[0.3%], img[96.7%], input[0.5%]
scorecardresearch.com19573 img[98.9%], script[4.1%]
mail.ru19338 embed[0.8%], iframe[0.6%], img[88.9%], script[14.2%]
imgfast.net19337 img[100.0%]
editboard.com18935 iframe[100.0%]
dsultra.com17344 script[100.0%]
criteo.com17271 img[99.6%], script[0.3%]
servimg.com16968 img[100.0%], input[0.1%]
img.users.51.la16645 img[100.0%]
flickr.com16130 embed[14.8%], iframe[5.0%], img[70.9%], s[0.1%], script[15.5%]
blogspot.com15932 embed[0.1%], frame[8.7%], iframe[4.2%], img[86.8%], input[0.4%], script[0.3%]
fbcdn.net15589 img[44.3%], s[0.2%], script[56.0%]
hitskin.com15395 img[100.0%]
quantserve.com15193 img[91.0%], s[0.2%], script[78.1%]
51yes.com14416 iframe[0.4%], img[0.7%], script[99.6%]
fc2.com13943 embed[0.5%], frame[0.7%], iframe[3.5%], img[91.3%], input[1.2%], s[0.3%], script[41.0%]
linkedin.com12640 frame[0.1%], iframe[0.2%], img[18.8%], script[81.5%]
yahoo.com12575 embed[0.3%], frame[0.6%], iframe[3.4%], img[85.9%], input[0.8%], script[25.6%]
amazon.com12480 embed[13.8%], frame[0.3%], iframe[58.5%], img[28.2%], input[2.3%], script[11.4%]
yimg.com12372 embed[2.0%], iframe[0.5%], img[72.4%], input[3.7%], script[26.1%]
images-amazon.com12086 img[99.3%], input[1.4%], script[0.4%]
recaptcha.net11950 iframe[70.9%], img[1.1%], script[98.7%]
gemius.pl11821 iframe[0.3%], img[1.1%], script[98.8%]
w3.org11603 img[99.5%], script[0.4%] iframe[89.5%], img[3.2%], script[7.8%]
toplist.cz11018 img[99.9%]
ucoz.net10932 iframe[0.1%], img[95.6%], input[0.9%], script[77.9%]
tinypic.com10820 br[0.1%], embed[0.3%], img[99.6%], input[0.2%]
skype.com10227 embed[0.2%], img[75.2%], s[0.2%], script[65.8%] embed[0.2%], iframe[4.4%], ilayer[0.1%], img[76.0%], input[0.1%], script[38.0%]
domdex.com9823 iframe[98.3%], img[1.7%]
userapi.com9532 img[6.7%], script[94.7%]
pinterest.com9523 iframe[0.1%], img[41.4%], s[0.1%], script[67.4%]
domainparkingserver.net9425 iframe[100.0%]
a8.net9382 img[99.5%], input[0.1%], script[1.8%]
ytimg.com9291 embed[0.4%], img[99.5%]
hostgator.com9028 embed[92.5%], img[98.5%], script[94.0%]
jimdo.com8947 embed[0.2%], frame[0.6%], img[99.3%], script[11.0%]
imaging.jugem.jp8815 img[89.4%], input[0.4%], script[87.2%]
domainnamesales.com8802 script[100.0%]
doubleclick.net8730 iframe[31.6%], img[58.3%], layer[0.2%], s[0.6%], script[38.3%]
feedburner.com8620 img[80.1%], s[0.1%], script[22.8%]
list.ru8513 img[99.9%]
jiathis.com8216 embed[0.3%], iframe[0.2%], img[3.7%], script[99.6%]
google.de8034 embed[0.5%], iframe[76.9%], img[2.7%], script[20.0%]
xrea.com7754 iframe[19.7%], img[97.0%], s[0.2%], script[63.0%]
static.mixi.jp7626 img[0.1%], script[99.9%]
smartadserver.com7579 img[95.0%], script[5.4%]
wikimedia.org7339 img[99.8%], script[0.1%]
xiti.com7158 img[100.0%]
addflow.ru7111 img[99.9%]
staticflickr.com6965 img[99.8%]
gstatic.com6943 embed[0.1%], img[94.2%], script[5.9%]
sitemeter.com6939 img[91.1%], s[0.3%], script[82.8%]
linezing.com6703 img[88.6%], script[96.6%]
bravenet.com6647 iframe[4.7%], img[27.0%], script[87.0%]
awempire.com6629 embed[7.2%], iframe[2.7%], img[90.3%], script[9.7%]
extreme-dm.com6607 img[100.0%] embed[0.3%], iframe[85.2%], img[1.5%], script[13.0%]
histats.com6473 embed[4.9%], img[97.6%], script[24.8%]
tumblr.com6471 embed[0.5%], frame[2.6%], iframe[17.1%], img[66.7%], input[0.3%], s[0.2%], script[41.9%]
youku.com6465 embed[96.4%], iframe[3.7%], img[0.7%], script[0.4%], video[0.2%]
free.fr6453 bgsound[0.1%], embed[1.5%], frame[8.0%], iframe[19.6%], img[67.4%], input[0.1%], meta[0.2%], script[27.2%]
rbc.ru6281 embed[1.3%], iframe[0.3%], img[90.6%], script[9.5%]
creativecommons.org6208 img[100.0%]
untd.com6141 img[100.0%]

Also available is the Web Bug Site Count Report

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