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Secure Server Survey
June 1st, 2008

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Across All Domains

Protocol & Cipher Report

Protocol In Use
Protocol Count Percentage
SSLv3   39497999.74%
TLSv1   38963698.39%
SSLv2   31802580.31%

Ciphers In Use1
Cipher Name Count Percentage Export Grade?
RC4-MD5   31589099.33%NO
DES-CBC3-MD5   31457898.92%NO
EXP-RC4-MD5   31200298.11%YES
RC2-CBC-MD5   31179598.04%NO
DES-CBC-MD5   31022197.55%NO
EXP-RC2-CBC-MD5   30982697.42%YES

Encryption Strength1
Cipher Strength Count Percentage
Export Grade Only   1250.04
Domestic Grade Only   59641.88
Export & Domestic Grade   31193698.09
1Results are based on servers supporting SSLv2.

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